What can a bookkeeper do for your business?

A bookkeeper can help you sleep at night by getting your accounts all up to date and running correctly and showing you exactly where your business is financially.

This is the most common theme for new clients that seek out our assistance with their bookkeeping.  These business owners have been trying to work in their business whilst trying to work on their business, they are extremely time poor and have fallen behind in their invoicing, bank reconciliations and accounts payable. 

They do not know if they are likely to hit the GST threshold and need to register. They know that their employees super is due soon, but they have no idea how much or if they have the cash available. They know they have an income tax or GST deadline looming but again no ideas on amounts or cashflow.  They don’t know if they can take some hard-earned cash out of the business and pay themselves a ‘wage’… and so the sleepless nights begin.

A Bookkeeper does this work and calculations in their sleep!  It is our job to make sure you are up to date & have full transparency in exactly where your business is at financially, so you can get your precious beauty sleep!

In addition to giving you back your beauty sleep a Bookkeeper can assist with:- 

  • Software setup and integration.

  • Catch up & ‘fix up’ jobs

  • Daily/weekly/monthly bank reconciliations

  • Accounts payable & receivable.

  • Payroll

  • ATO compliance such as Single Touch Payroll, Business Activity Statements, Instalment Activity Statements and Super

  • Financial reporting

  • Budgeting & forecasting

  • Training, automation & implementation

Please reach out to us today to chat further about where your accounts are sitting and SLEEP AGAIN!


Why work/life balance is so important...


Why do I need a bookkeeper?